Am I a Candidate?
Are you tired of envying other people who are confident, passionate, and assertive on-the-job, in social gatherings and in the bedroom? Are you tired of wondering what it would be like to feel desirable? ….to experience the joy and security of knowing you’re a passionate and fulfilling lover? Are you fed up with the monthly disruption of your life caused by debilitating migraines or mood swings? If so, it’s time to think about H.O.T. (Health Optimization Therapy)
Click below to read more possible symptoms:
DTRC utilizes a comprehensive therapeutic approach for men and women centered on H.O.T.™ (HEALTH OPTIMIZATION THERAPY) to help you achieve the optimal version of yourself.
H.O.T.™ is:
- A therapeutic philosophy that proposes five vital components of optimal health™ that contribute individually and interact collectively to create and sustain optimal health.
- Optimal evaluation through comprehensive initial and ongoing evaluation to identify all your health complaints, preventative concerns, and their potential causes; identify and prioritize your treatment goals; assess the effectiveness and safety of applicable treatments; and construct from this information your individualized treatment plan.
- S.H.O.T.™ (Sex Hormone Optimization Treatment), the core of H.O.T.™) , individualized to safely bring about the optimal response of tissues impacting each of the vital components of optimal health™ necessary to achieve the patient’s treatment goals.
- A wide variety of medical, procedural, mechanical, psychological, and behavioral treatments targeting the vital components of optimal health™ that support and work synergistically with sex hormone treatment to achieve this optimal target tissue response.
The core of S.H.O.T™: Sex hormone therapy
DTRC utilizes S.H.O.T.™, the sex hormone treatment aspect of H.O.T.™, to improve the health of tissues across the vital components of optimal health to help you achieve the optimal version of yourself. The long-standing focus of clinical and hypothetical research at DTRC, S.H.O.T.™ forms the core of DTRC’s H.O.T.™ therapeutic approach, This centrality is based on the current scientific evidence that indicates that sex hormones have health promoting effects on a wide variety of tissues and organ systems vital for optimal quality and quantity of life. These effects promote and support fundamental aspects of each of the above vital components of optimal health, as illustrated below:

Optimal Body Composition
Effects on: Appetite, eating, and lipolysis (destruction of fat cells); glucose and insulin metabolism; muscle mass, strength, tone, and performance; elastin, collagen, and water retention within, and oil layer upon the skin; hair follicle and shaft health and oil balance of hair; fingernail health; breast and buttock volume and density; body configuration (V-shape in males, hourglass in females)
Optimal Mental Health
Effects on: Mood and anxiety; motivation and energy; assertiveness, confidence and socialization; focus and concentration; cognition and memory; temperament and outlook; sleep
Optimal Lifestyle
Effects on: Sleep quality and quantity; energy, motivation, and drive to comply with exercise and diet; appetite, eating, and lipolysis (destruction of fat cells); response of muscle and fat to exercise and diet; bladder and bowel continence; bone health
Optimal Relationships – Romantic, familial, social, and occupational
Effects on: Sexual desire and energy; assertiveness and lack of inhibition; arousal and erectile/clitoral function; lubrication and elasticity of the vagina; orgasm; empathy and emotional expression; motivation, confidence, and assertiveness; sociability and social anxiety; temperament and outlook
Optimal Physiology
Effects on: Vasculature function (blood vessels); coagulation (clotting); cardiac muscle; lipids; glucose-insulin metabolism; lean muscle and body fat; immune function; hematopoiesis (red blood cell production); sleep quantity and quality; oxygenation
Utilizing H.O.T.TM to reverse your downward health spiral
The plethora of health promoting effects of this multifaceted treatment approach not only promote improvement in each of the vital components of optimal health independently, but also impact each of the other areas synergistically through physiologic and psychological mechanisms. For example, when one experiences more motivation, energy, confidence, and sexual functioning from sex hormone treatment it not only improves quality of life immediately but also supplies motivation for making the changes needed to develop a healthy lifestyle and comply with medicinal and procedural treatment. Further, the improvements brought about by such treatments in regard to body composition and body image result in further improvement in energy, mood, confidence, and sexual function, leading to even greater motivation to continue the optimization process, etc. This is the essence of the DTRC process for helping you achieve optimal version of yourself.